The Kissing Health Benefits
Kissing isn’t just for affection, it also has some real health benefits. Here are certain explanations why you may as well invest a little more time showing affection in this form.French kissing increases saliva production, which helps to wash away bacteria. This means kissing can help prevent tooth decay and cavities.Kissing is known to be a major stress reliever. You could compare it to meditation; it replaces negative feelings with, what can be, an intensely happy buzz that can help you ease up.Kissing is a workout for your facial muscles.Kissing burns calories. A 20-minute make-out session on your couch burns 40 calories.Kissing boosts your immunity. The exchange of saliva forces your body to produce antibodies to prevent you from getting sick.Kissing also helps with allergies. A Japanese study showed that 30 minutes of kissing reduced blood levels of IgE, an allergy antibody.